Taken just before sunset on January 24, 2017, this image tells a story of the day at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Snow squalls like this had passed through all day, sometimes obscuring the entire view of the canyon. I was lucky this storm had passed just north of us, allowing the sun to peak beneath the clouds and light up the North Rim. This was shot from the South Rim Trail overlook near Yavapi Point. I'd been there about one and a half hours taking panoramas in the freezing cold. When I started to leave, it was difficult to move. My pants had frozen below the knee, into tubes. They'd gotten wet from going up and down the trail all day, in and out of the snow, and froze because I'd been standing so long without moving. The occasional spots you see in the image are not dust spots, but snowflakes, so I didn't bother trying to remove them. :)